Monday 3 June 2019

Nature πŸŒΏπŸƒ lover

Humans- a threat to environment

Humans are destroying the nature and is exploating it till a great extent. This should be stopped.  We all should all at least plant 10 tress in a year and safe our earth from destroying. If we want to live on earth for some time we surely need to take strict actions. If everyone plant 10 trees 🌳in a population of more than 100 crores, then and only we can save our earth.  " What man has made of nature",  justify the situation. To offset the situation we should plant trees. 

Please subscribe my channel - chunk masteram Aaradhya,plant trees 🌲🌳🌴in order to offset the current situation. 
Thanks a lot. 

A stich in time can save life. 


  1. Good thought. Planting trees means saving earth means saving life.

  2. This is called best out of waste.
